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Murder is Academic

P.M. Carlson: Murder is Academic (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
Vietnam, assassinations and riots. In the spring semester of 1968, a series of brutal attacks draws campus women together to study self-defense and the psychology of rape. Graduate student Mary Beth Nelson struggles to keep the Lords of Death at bay by immersing herself in researching Mayan languages. Her new housemate, Maggie Ryan, has her own secrets. When murder strikes close to home, Maggie investigates with a little help from her friends.

This Mystery Company edition restores to print the second novel in the Maggie Ryan mystery series, a 1986 Anthony Award nominee.

"Murder is Academic treats violation of truth in tandem with assault and rape -- true violations of persons, mind and body -- and presents a cogent case for the inviolability of both persons and truth." The Armchair Detective

P.M. Carlson: Murder is Academic. Maggie Ryan, 1968. The Crum Creek Press / The Mystery Company, ISBN: 9781932325232 (October, 2012), 196 p., $16.00, eBook $5.99.


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