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Audition for Murder

P.M. Carlson: Audition for Murder (USA 2012)

From the Publisher:
Nick and Lisette O'Connor need a change. They leave New York City for a semester as artists-in-residence at a college upstate, professional leads in a campus production of Hamlet. Threats and accidents follow Lisette, and Nick worries it might be more than just petty jealousy. Maggie Ryan, a student running lights for the show, helps investigate a mystery steeped in the turmoil of 1967 America.

This Mystery Company edition restores to print the 1985 novel that introduced Maggie Ryan.

P.M. Carlson: Audition for Murder. Maggie Ryan, 1967. The Crum Creek Press / The Mystery Company, ISBN: 9781932325218 (September, 2012), 236 p., $16.00, eBook $2.99.


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