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Things We Knew Were True

Nicci Gerrard: Things We Knew Were True (UK 2004)

From the Publisher:
At sixteen Edie knows things. She knows that her mother is charming and beautiful, that her sister Stella is the golden girl, and that her father - clumsy, quiet Vic - is loving, gentle, sometimes detached. And she knows she loves Ricky, even if her parents don't approve.

But one Autumn evening when Vic fails to return home from work, Edie's world is turned upside-down, the certainties of her childhood destroyed in one terrible moment.

For twenty years Edie agonizes over the truth. What really happened to her father? What became of her lost teenage love? When she returns to her family home to sift through childhood belongings, Edie is faced with her unresolved past, and makes a passionate and dangerous attempt to return to it.

Nicci Gerrard: Things We Knew Were True. Penguin, ISBN: 0141012471 (April, 2004), 309 p., £6.99.



Things We Knew Were True

Nicci Gerrard: Things We Knew Were True (UK 2003)

From the Publisher:
THINGS WE KNEW WERE TRUE marks Nicci's debut, an atmospheric, highly charged, elegant coming-of-age novel.
At sixteen Edie knew things. She knew that her mother was charming and beautiful, that her older sister Stella was the star of the family and that her father, clumsy, quiet Vic, was loving and gentle.

Then Edie discovered what it was to fall in love; she dared to let herself be happy. But in one terrible moment of tragedy, her teenage dreams were torn apart.

Twenty years on, Edie is now a mother and a wife. When family duty calls, the sisters come together again, and it looks like the truth of what happened all those years ago may finally become clear.

Nicci Gerrard: Things We Knew Were True. Michael Joseph, ISBN: 071814631X (May, 2003), 309 p., £9.99.


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