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Patricia Highsmith: This Sweet Sickness

This Sweet Sickness From the Publisher:
Following the national bestseller Selected Stories, this fall brings the republication of a gripping Highsmith classic.

In This Sweet Sickness, David Kelsey has an unyielding conviction that life will turn out all right for him; he just has to fix The Situation: he is in love with a married woman. Obsessed with Annabelle and the life he has imagined for them, David prepares to win her over, whatever it takes.

"[Highsmith] is no more a practitioner of the murder mystery genre than are Dostoevsky, Faulkner and Camus." - Joan Smith, Los Angeles Times

Patricia Highsmith: This Sweet Sickness. W.W. Norton, ISBN: 0393323676 (October, 2002), 288 p., $13.95.



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