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Signal Loss

Garry Disher: Signal Loss (USA 2018)

From the Publisher:
The Ned Kelly Award-winning master of Australian noir shows us the darker side of the Peninsula. A meth-related crime has Inspector Hal Challis on his backfoot, while Sergeant Ellen Destry hunts down an elusive serial rapist.

A pair of hit men working a job for a meth kingpin have a very bad day, and the resulting bushfire draws attention to a drug lab and two burned bodies in a Mercedes. Sergeant Ellen Destry -- newly minted head of her department's sex crime unit -- and Inspector Hal Challis return in this newest installment of Garry Disher's Peninsula-based crimes series. With meth-related crime on the rise, interdepartmental tensions mount, and Challis soon finds himself fighting to keep control of his case. Meanwhile, Destry is hunting for a serial rapist who is extremely adept at not leaving clues. A tense, human, and at times darkly funny entry into Disher's celebrated Ned Kelly Award–winning series.

Garry Disher: Signal Loss. A Hal Challis Investigation. Soho Crime, ISBN: 9781616959753 (November, 2018), 384 p., $15.95.



Signal Loss

Garry Disher: Signal Loss (USA 2017)

From the Publisher:
The Ned Kelly Award-winning master of Australian noir shows us the darker side of the Peninsula. A meth-related crime has Inspector Hal Challis on his backfoot, while Sergeant Ellen Destry hunts down an elusive serial rapist.

A pair of hit men working a job for a meth kingpin have a very bad day, and the resulting bushfire draws attention to a drug lab and two burned bodies in a Mercedes. Sergeant Ellen Destry -- newly minted head of her department's sex crime unit -- and Inspector Hal Challis return in this newest installment of Garry Disher's Peninsula-based crimes series. With meth-related crime on the rise, interdepartmental tensions mount, and Challis soon finds himself fighting to keep control of his case. Meanwhile, Destry is hunting for a serial rapist who is extremely adept at not leaving clues. A tense, human, and at times darkly funny entry into Disher's celebrated Ned Kelly Award–winning series.

Garry Disher: Signal Loss. A Hal Challis Investigation. Soho Crime, ISBN: 9781616958596 (December, 2017), 345 p., $26.95.


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