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Average Alan

Colin Cotterill: Average Alan (2013)

From the Publisher:
Alan lives the life of an average adolescent: not too bad but not quite good enough to be chosen for The Team. The shadow of excellence of his classmates casts a gloom over his life. Then, one day, through a freak accident of the universe Average Alan finds himself in a world where he is a sports superstar, a genius and a heartthrob, all rolled into one.

Alan's life suddenly moves from the dark recesses and dark corners of the school laundry room to the center of the spotlight and the frightening glamour that inevitably surrounds fame. Nothing great comes without a cost. Average Alan is a story for all ages filled with Colin Cotterill's classic humour, grace and charm as you follow Alan from a nobody to a somebody.

Colin Cotterill: Average Alan. Heaven Lake Press, ISBN: 9786167503189 (February, 2013), 150 p., $?.??.


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