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The Improvised Life of Polycarp Jarvis

Victor Canning: The Improvised Life of Polycarp Jarvis (UK 2019)

From the Publisher:
An exuberant, life-affirming novel of taking your chances
After a spur-of-the-moment day out with his boss' daughter in celebration of his 21st birthday, Polycarp Jarvis decides to quit his Bristol-based junior government worker job. Newly emboldened, he embarks on an erratic, engaging and not always strictly legal course through life.

Going from bus driver for the Red Dragon Motor Company to co-owner of a flying company, to seller of quack medicines, and eventually to media tycoon, Polycarp makes much of his luck along the way. Through ups and downs, his exuberance and charm carry him through.

But what kind of person will he be by the end?

This gentle coming-of-age story was hugely popular on first publication in the 1930s and retains a timeless appeal today.

Victor Canning: The Improvised Life of Polycarp Jarvis. Farrago, ISBN: 9781788421768 (August, 2019), 320 p., £9.99, eBook £2.99.


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