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A Cat with no Clue

Lydia Adamson: A Cat with no Clue (USA 2001)

From the Publisher:
Actress and amateur sleuth Alice Nestleton thinks up the perfect anniversary gift for her elderly actor friends Alex and Lila. She has a chef whip up a replica of the meal the couple shared on their first date. For better or worse, they eat every bite. The next day, they're dead -- from food poisoning. Of course, the only witnesses are the couple's two little kittens. Definitely cute, but certainly not viable on the witness stand. To say that Alice is the prime suspect would be an extreme understatement. And while the actor in Alice may love the spotlight, this is not the kind of attention she needs.

Lydia Adamson: A Cat with no Clue. Signet, ISBN: 0451205014 (November, 2001), 203 p., $5.99.


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